Welcome to the 2020-2025 university strategic plan site for Ashland University. 这个网站记录了战略规划过程,并为我们下一个战略计划的持续发展提供更新. We identified three strategic themes to rally around:

  • Transformational Experiences
  • Strategic Growth
  • Empowered Community

Our strategic plan represents the hearts, values and traditions that form the foundation of our university. Developed through a comprehensive, collaborative process, this strategic plan's title, "Rich History/Bold Future," builds on the collective excellence of our campus community.

亚什兰必须超越高等教育面临的日常挑战,成为一所全国公认的以学生为中心的大学. As the university known for "Accent on the Individual," our plan will meet the educational and personal goals of each student.

This plan is our roadmap. This document will guide, serving as a living document, a framework that will be revised as we build a great place to learn, work and grow. 葡京平台线上将成为一个所有学生和员工都受到重视并有能力改变和改变他们的社区和世界的地方.

We want to thank each of you, students, faculty, staff, alums and Board members, 是谁努力使这个战略规划过程和最终的战略计划真正由葡京平台线上家族制定的. 我们希望你们和我们一样对这个计划和它所设想的未来感到兴奋. 这个计划阐明了远大的期望——我们不仅可以达到,而且可以超越.


Strategic Plan Name Poll Results

Read the plan

Download Rich History/Bold Future 2025 for a full overview of our goals and plans.

Rich History, Bold Future

Strategic Theme Teams

2020-2025年的战略计划名为“丰富的历史/大胆的未来——亚什兰2025”.  Three themes support our strategic plan: Transformational Experiences, Strategic Growth and Empowered Community.

公开邀请校园社区加入其中一个主题团队. Based on the responses, 三个团队组成,开始了具有挑战性和令人兴奋的工作,以制定每个主题的主要目标. The strategic plan has since been revised, reviewed and implemented. Below are the three themes of Ashland University's strategic plan, with their objectives and initiatives nested within.

Transformational Experiences

Empowered Community

Strategic Growth

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