
The minor in Classical Civilization invites students on a captivating journey into the ancient world, 全面探索其丰富的历史, 文学和语言.


Foundational courses in Western Civilization to 1500 and Topics in Classical Civilization provide students with a solid understanding of the core aspects of ancient cultures, 为更深入的探索奠定基础.

通过初级和中级拉丁语课程, students develop proficiency in understanding primary classical texts, enabling them to engage directly with the literature and language of antiquity, fostering a deeper appreciation for classical literature and culture.

Elective options in Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome and the Rise of Christianity allow students to tailor their studies to their interests, 深入研究古典文明的具体方面. 通过钻研这些选修课, 学生们对政治有了深入的了解, 社会, 以及古代社会的文化动态, further enriching their understanding of this pivotal period in human history.

总共18个学分, this minor equips students with valuable insights into classical civilization, cultivating critical thinking skills and interdisciplinary understanding that are highly applicable across various academic and professional contexts. 

有关课程的更多信息,请查看 学术目录



We are proud to offer the only Classical Learning minor program in the state of Ohio. Do you envision yourself educating the next generation in a classical, 教区或其他非传统学校设置? 那么古典学习可能很适合你! 

根植于永恒的原则, this program equips students with the tools to foster critical thinking, 课堂上的道德形成和公民参与. 通过历史调查的结合, 语言学探索与跨学科研究, students will emerge as skilled educators prepared to inspire and empower the next generation. 


The Classical Learning minor at Ashland University offers a comprehensive exploration of the classical education tradition.

Students delve into the foundational pillars of the trivium and quadrivium, engage in methodological inquiries and master the fundamentals of classical pedagogy.

From courses in Latin language to studies in logic and geometry, this curriculum cultivates a deep understanding of classical principles while fostering the development of lifelong learners and empathetic educators. 这个项目不会导致教师执照. 




The minor in History offers students a fascinating exploration of the past, 提供对事件的洞察, 文化和个人塑造了我们的世界. 从古代文明到现代社会, 学生有机会深入研究特定的时代, 感兴趣的区域或专题领域, gaining a nuanced understanding of the complexities of the past. 强调批判性的分析和解释, 这门辅修课程培养了探究历史的宝贵技能, 研究与交流, preparing students for a wide range of careers in fields such as education, 公共服务, 法律, 新闻及其他. 


The curriculum of the minor in History comprises foundational courses covering Western Civilization or American History, providing students with a comprehensive overview of key historical developments. 

学生从选择基础课程开始, 钻研西方文明或美国历史, 建立对历史背景的广泛理解. These foundational courses serve as a springboard for further exploration through a diverse selection of history electives. 

Students then have the flexibility to tailor their minor by choosing from a range of history electives, 允许对特定时期进行更深入的探索, 区域或主题.

总共需要18个学分才能完成, this minor equips students with valuable critical thinking skills and historical perspectives that are applicable across various academic and professional endeavors.

有关课程的更多信息,请查看 学术目录 



The minor in Political Economy provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the intersection between political and economic systems, 提供对治理复杂性的洞察, 公共政策和市场动态. 通过核心课程和选修课程的结合, 学生们对经济原理有了细致入微的理解, 政治制度及其对社会的影响.


学生从POLSC 101开始, 了解政治, which introduces foundational concepts and theories in political science, providing students with a broad understanding of political systems and institutions. 

以这个基础课程为基础, 学生参加POLEC 200, 政治经济学基础, which explores the historical development and theoretical underpinnings of political economy, 考察政治之间的相互作用, 经济学, 和社会. 

Students then delve into more specialized topics with POLEC 310, 自由社会的政治经济学, which examines the principles and practices of market-based economies and the role of government in regulating economic activity. 

提供坚实的经济理论基础, 学生完成ECON 232, 微观经济学原理, 和ECON 233, 宏观经济学原理, which introduce key concepts in microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis. 

辅修课程的选修课, 学生从一系列选项中选择一门课程, 包括美国政治经济学, 国际政治经济/全球化, 或政治经济学主题, allowing for deeper exploration of specific areas within the field. 

总共需要18个学分才能完成, the minor in Political Economy equips students with valuable interdisciplinary knowledge and analytical skills applicable to careers in 经济学, 公共政策, 国际关系等. 

有关课程的更多信息,请查看 学术目录



The minor in Political Science provides students with a comprehensive understanding of political systems, 制度与理论, 提供对治理复杂性的洞察, 公共政策和政治行为. 通过核心课程和选修课程的结合, students gain a nuanced understanding of political processes and develop critical thinking and analytical skills essential for informed citizenship and careers in government, 法律, 宣传, 公共服务. 


学生从POLSC 101开始, 了解政治, which introduces foundational concepts and theories in political science, 为学生提供政治制度的概述, 意识形态和制度. 

以这个基础课程为基础, 学生选修POLSC 102, 美国的民主, 它探讨了, practices and challenges of democratic governance in the United States, 包括选举等话题, 政党和公民自由. 

Students then choose one course from a selection of Western Political Thought options, 包括POLSC 343, 345, or 346, which examine key figures and ideas in the history of political philosophy, 从古希腊到现代. 

完成辅修课程, students select nine credit hours of elective courses from a diverse range of political science offerings, allowing for specialization in areas such as comparative politics, 国际关系, 公共政策或政治理论. 

总共需要18个学分才能完成, the minor in Political Science equips students with valuable knowledge and skills applicable to various fields within the public and private sectors, preparing them for engagement in civic life and professional opportunities in politics and government. 

有关课程的更多信息,请查看 学术目录

